Minggu, 23 September 2012

Memorizing , Your Beautifull Letter ... My Love

1 syawal 1427 H

When You Shot My Heart ...
In This good happy day
All memory about you appear
And fill my mind
        Many desire are coming in to my life,
        But its only for one, purpose,
        I desire to you’ll bemine, and
        Be my…,
        I want you’ll stay and be with me
        Forever as…
Your innocent face, and all of yours
Make me crazy and flying
But I cant do anything to find u
In my world
My heart’s hurt when I remember u
        I pray to god with my tears
        I hope u’ll be success and
        Happy in your way..

 All of mine, I would like to say....

“Ja’alanallahu wa iyyakum minal ‘Aidzin wal faizin, kullu ‘amin wa antum jayyid”

ttd: .................


My Letter 4 U ...
When you start to miss me ..
look at the sky ..
her you can find me there ..
whisper to the wind,

there you can hear voices and laughter ...

touch the flowing water,
there you can find the softness of your hands grip my fingers ...
what this heart wants you to know
how great the longing is on you ...
even more than you
really, you're making me not able to select another
because my heart and soul Wherever you touched with your love

I was now even, unable to fly
Wherever because my wings broken by you
so I want to stay with you pobud ...

I Saw You ..

In your eyes ...
I found the warmth of love
that put me to sleep in a daydream with you
I'm peaceful with you .
Do not ever stop loving me ...
Because your love is my breath ... is there you know?

STARS ....

Skip the eastern seas Wherever you without me
Cross the ocean lay a solid
Driving winds there flying wings of angels

Imagine ....
I do not know, the heart is shaken
When really tell you much Wherever there ...
opposite the horizon rises
Leaving me with a million sheets unresolved ...
If nirvana able to proclaim the heart of the fairy cues
Perhaps the statue will not come loose and fall off the reef ...
It was this feeling remained silent, so that the earth does not collapse because the screaming ...
Enough! Any witness to the love
Is increasingly rooted in the heart at the bottom of pigeons,,

Bintang, adakah kau rasa...?
Cinta ini terlalu agung tuk ku pendam Sendiri

ttd : 


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